Lilly Sabri

Lilly Sabri

Physiotherapist, Personal Trainer

BSc Physiotherapy, MCSP, MHPC, MAACP, MACSPM

Lilly Sabri is a chartered Physiotherapist, APPI pilates instructor, fitness, health and lifestyle influencer and founder of #LeanWithLilly.

From a young age Lilly has always loved exercise and moving her body and tried out as many sports as she could. After finishing her studies in Physiotherapy at university, Lilly began her fitness career by teaching HIIT classes, 1:1 sessions and international bootcamps both in the UK and Dubai. She has also worked at Premier League football clubs, offering her Physiotherapy services and fitness advice. 

Her work has been features in The Guardian, Look, Now and The Mirror. Lilly is also the female face of Optimum Nutrition's #OptiLean range. 

Lilly's web presence

Recent articles

Video: Hip pain exercises

Video: Hip pain exercises Resource

Hip injuries are common in all age groups. The most common cause of chronic (long-standing) hip pain in adults is osteoarthritis . Because the hip is such a complex …

Video: Hip replacement recovery exercises

Video: Hip replacement recovery exercises Resource

There are different types of hip replacement surgery depending on the injury, the severity of the injury and the surgeon performing the procedure. This leaflet is to be …

Video: Knee replacement recovery exercises

Video: Knee replacement recovery exercises Resource

There are different types of knee replacement surgery depending on the injury, the severity of the injury and the surgeon performing the procedure. This leaflet is to …

Video: Knee pain exercises

Video: Knee pain exercises Resource

These exercises are recommended to help reduce pain, increase range of movement and strengthen the knee joint muscles and prevent future problems. …

Video: Neck pain exercises

Video: Neck pain exercises Resource

Neck pain is very common but in most cases is not caused by a serious problem. Pain is more likely to be muscular and the exercises outlined here are recommended to …
